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Volunteer training

To complete the safeguarding and IG training please create an account with E-Learning For Health. Please note you can use your personal email address and occupation please select other.

Once registered you can click on each of the below links for the modules you need to complete. Press play to launch your training:

Do not forget to send the screenshot of the certificate or the certificate itself to the Voluntary Services Team.

How can I access my e-learning training certificates?

Your Voluntary Services Team may ask for you to provide copies of your e-learning certificates to hold on your records. This is to ensure the trust is compliant and supporting you with training to help you within your role. This may also need to be refreshed, for example, information governance yearly and safeguarding once every three years.

You can access your e-learning certificates by logging in to your E-learning for health account.

1. Once you have logged in click on my activity (located at the top right-hand corner of the screen)

Volunteer training

2. On my activity it will show you a drop-down list and you need to click/select certificates.

3. Click on your programme (for example, volunteer learning)

Volunteer training

4. Under certificates, find the module that of which you wish to view your certificate, for example, Safeguarding children for volunteers. If you have completed the module, the paper symbol by the name of the module will have a gold certificate (as in the preview below):

Volunteer training

If you click on the gold certificate it will allow you to download your PDF certificate, and you can either take a screen shot, save the PDF and email it to us. Or print the certificate and send to the team via the post.

Here is an example of what yours might look like:

Volunteer training

Please ensure the certificate you send the team shows your name, the module and completed date.

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