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Volunteer training

How to complete your training

You will see the sign in page. To login for the first time click on forgot password.

TAPs training image for volunteers

On the forgot password page enter your email address. You will need to click on ‘I’m not a robot’ and then click on submit. This will send a link to your email.

TAPs training image for volunteers

Click on the link that has been sent to your email address which will take you to the reset page. Enter your password and click submit. This will take you back to the login page. Login with your email address and chosen password.

TAPs training image for volunteers

Once logged in your mandatory training will be listed on the right-hand side of your screen under mandatory training. To complete each module, click on the training and select launch.

TAPs training image for volunteers

Once you have completed training you can see it by clicking the learn tab at the top of your screen and view your learner record.

TAPs training image for volunteers

Click on the active tab and select completed this will show you the training you have completed.

TAPs training image for volunteers

Please let the team know when you have completed all of your training, no need to send us the certificates. We can then ensure the training is complete.

TAPs training image for volunteers

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