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Occupational Therapy (LD)

Life skills

Life changes

Living well

The occupational therapists work with people with learning disabilities and their families and carers to provide support with a range of activities they need or want to do in their daily life.

We work with people to develop new and existing skills, by making recommendations about useful materials or equipment and about adapting activities or environments.

Life skills

Daily living skills include cooking, eating and drinking, washing and dressing.

Sometimes you may find it hard to carry out these skills and may need physical assistance, guidance or equipment to make it easier.

The occupational therapy team can help support you with your daily living skills.

You may benefit from a referral to occupational therapy if:

  • you have difficulty with physical aspects of daily living skills
  • you would like to learn how to be more independent with your daily living skills
  • you would like some support and guidance around appropriate equipment to make daily living skills easier.

Life changes

How we manage in our home and life can change when our physical or mental health changes. We may need support to stay safe at home for a variety of reasons such as a new health condition, frequent falls or changes in our life circumstances, which may mean we want to do new things or can’t do what we used to do.

An occupational therapist can assess your needs and your environment and provide recommendations about adaptations or advice to help you stay safe and well at home in all you do. This may often include working closely with other professions too such as physiotherapy, speech and language therapy or learning disability nurses.

You may need a referral to occupational therapy if:

  • you feel you need guidance to help you to be safe in your home environment or if you have moved to a new home
  • you would like support and guidance because you are afraid of falling or are experiencing frequent falls
  • you would like some support and guidance around sitting safely and comfortably to do things that matter to you
  • you want to understand the changes in your physical or mental health and how it affects the things you do every day.

Living well

It is just as important for people to take part in activities that matter to them outside of their daily living skills. This may include taking part in group or individual activities.

People need varied levels of support to complete activities which are meaningful to them.

The OT team can help you to find, adapt and take part in meaningful activities at home or in the community including leisure activities. This may also include supporting you to understand sensory awareness and how your senses can affect what you do.

You may need a referral to OT if:

  • you would like some support and guidance around appropriate adapted meaningful activities at home or in the community
  • you have difficulty with physical aspects of taking part in the activities that matter to you
  • you would like to learn how to be more independent in activities that matter to you
  • you would like support to understand sensory awareness and how your senses can affect what you do.