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Published: 6 February 2023

KCHFT tackles workforce woes through apprenticeship schemes

In 2022, 48 apprentices ompleted their learning programmes at KCHFT and 76 colleagues enrolled on to an apprenticeship.With health sector vacancies at a record high, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) is battling back by offering more than 300 fully-paid apprenticeships, from nursing to administrators.

Last year, 76 people enrolled onto apprenticeships at KCHFT. They joined an army of colleagues already on apprenticeship programmes, including registered nurses, nurse associates, physiotherapists, dental nurses, occupational therapists, business administrators and chartered managers.

Margaret Daly, Deputy Director of People and Organisational Development at KCHFT, said: “Apprenticeships provide an excellent way to earn, gain work experience and achieve nationally-recognised qualifications at the same time. They are not just for those starting a career, but also for those switching careers or wanting to further their learning and development.

“Over the past five years we’ve more than doubled the number of apprenticeships we offer, including 26 different programmes ranging from level two to level seven Master’s degrees. Our promise is to offer rewarding careers that attract, develop and retain talented people from all backgrounds.”

To find out what it’s like to earn while you learn, read the personal experiences of some the trust’s apprentices and find out what it’s like for them as they develop their careers as part of #TeamKCHFT.