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Quit smoking in pregnancy and up to 12 weeks after baby arrives

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your baby.

One You has a special team dedicated to supporting expectant families or with a baby up to 12 weeks of age, offer weekly support at a time convenient to you to offer non-judgement support and advice.

Smoking in pregnancy

We know how difficult it can be stop but with the right support many people do and almost half who stop during pregnancy stay stopped. Your adviser can prescribe free patches or gum to help you through the difficult days – these are perfectly safe to use throughout your pregnancy or breastfeeding your new baby.

No matter what stage you're at in your pregnancy, it's never too late to stop smoking. Our pregnancy team have put together a video playlist with tips and support for you and your family. The team also offer a ‘Baby and me going smokefree’ weekly virtual support group, where you can support each other, on your smokefree journey.

When you smoke you breathe in more than 4,000 chemicals from the cigarette. The chemicals go into your bloodstream and onto your baby via the placenta and umbilical cord. One of the chemicals found in cigarettes is carbon monoxide. This restricts the supply of oxygen that's essential for your baby's healthy growth and development. For more information please see Quitting will also save you money and help you feel healthier and reduce stress levels.

If you have a newborn and smoke, now is a great time to try to quit. Smoke irritates your child’s airways and may cause breathing problems as well as chest and ear infections. Sadly it also increases the risk of sudden infant death (SIDs). We can support you up to 12 weeks after your baby arrives.

If you would like some support to quit smoking please talk to your midwife, call 0300 123 1220, text 'quit' to 87023 or email

Medway Stop Smoking Service provides specialist support for pregnant women wanting to stop smoking in Medway.

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